Hottie of the Week

I may be reaching the point many bloggers reach, where the novelty wears off and I realize I really don’t have anything interesting to say. Of course, the political scene has provided lots of fodder, but I don’t have any unique insight that hasn’t already been covered by thousands of others. So I’m falling back… Continue reading Hottie of the Week

New Anti-Theft Device

There are some interesting news reports about a new anti-theft gadget for mobile electronic devices (laptops, phones, etc.) Interesting concept, but even if it works, I see a problem with it.

Categorized as Geek Stuff

The Resurrection of Spaldings!!!

UPDATE — They’re open! Great news on the front page of today’s paper!! Spalding’s Bakery is going to re-open next spring. As I’ve said before, if you haven’t had a Spalding’s doughnut, you won’t understand.

Baby’s First Real Hunt

Before reliving the glory of this afternoon, I need to try to get myself out of the doghouse by giving proper credit for last week’s plagiarized title. “Baby’s First Hunt” was suggested by one of Crossbo’s loyal fans, his adoring Aunt Julie, without whose meddling he might never have embarked on his new career with… Continue reading Baby’s First Real Hunt

Categorized as Horse Play

Another Geek Gadget Review

I spent some time last weekend playing with another techno-toy. Like the iPod, I’ve had the latest toy for a while, but had to get some accessories before I could use it enough to say much about it. Unlike the iPod, it’s not exactly pocket size.

Categorized as Geek Stuff

Baby’s First Hunt

Considering the circumstances, Crossbo’s official first hunt today may have been closer to a hound walk than a hunt. But, officially, we were hunting. Actually, it was nice to continue his preparation with a gentle phase-in, but it may be stretching a little to boast about his excellent behavior.

Categorized as Horse Play

The excitement of standing still

There hasn’t been much horse news here lately because there’s really been nothing happening except routine trail rides and hound walks. And, with the real acid test fast approaching with the beginnng of hunt season less than a week away, maybe I shouldn’t jinx myself by bragging about Crossbo’s performance in such mundane events. But… Continue reading The excitement of standing still

Categorized as Horse Play


It’s almost embarrassing to admit that I didn’t get around to donating to any Katrina relief funds until today. I certainly can’t claim that the delay was due to a lack of information. I’ve been inundated with suggestions for deserving organizations, and warnings about less worthy ones. I guess I could use the excuse that… Continue reading Katrin-Aid