A Month Too Late

This picture shows the view from my office window, as seen by my crappy cellphone camera. Despite the picture’s (lack of) quality, you can see a pile of brush and sawdust which was a tree yesterday. Some readers may suspect me of being a closet tree-hugger and think I’m going to rant about the senseless… Continue reading A Month Too Late

Derby? What Derby?

This is the weekend when everbody makes a big deal about some piddly little 2-minute sprint, far less impressive than Kentucky’s most exciting equestrian event, which happened last weekend. I managed to avoid the hype, not even learning who won until I saw the newspaper Sunday morning. I didn’t manage to actually get on a… Continue reading Derby? What Derby?

Return of the Browser Wars

A recent Computerworld article reports on the Explorer Destroyer campaign to get Internet Explorer users to switch to Firefox. It provides script code that webmasters can add to their sites to determine which browser is being used, and provide gentle or blunt suggestions to Explorer users, or even prevent them from accessing the site. As… Continue reading Return of the Browser Wars

Categorized as Geek Stuff

I Love my Horse!

I’m not sure, but I might have said that before. Oh well, it never hurts to say it again. Actually, I just wanted an excuse to show off this picture of me and Crossbo from this month’s team chase. I don’t have very many good action pictures of me with any of my horses, and… Continue reading I Love my Horse!

Categorized as Horse Play

Happy Anniversary

One year ago today, Crossbo came to live with me. It’s been a wonderful year. There’s really not much to say that hasn’t already been said, but I felt like I couldn’t let the anniversary go completely unnoticed.

Categorized as Horse Play

Crossbo goes to the races

The word of the day was Yee-ha. In a day of continually evolving plans, Crossbo and I attended a local hunter pace/race event. The only thing I knew for sure in advance is that we were supposed to be there with beer. We lived up to that, and rolled with the ever-changing events. Just in… Continue reading Crossbo goes to the races

Categorized as Horse Play

OK … now I’m pissed

I got email from my buddy Dennis Kucinich today. Before getting to the point (which was that he would appreciate a contribution to his Congressional campaign), he waxed eloquent about why we need more Congressmen like him (which we do). Among all the other wrongs committed by his less-enlightened Congressional colleagues, he mentioned that the… Continue reading OK … now I’m pissed

The Wait is Over

As a public service to all the visitors who are being sent here by Google searches (surely you didn’t really think old-fashioned Spalding’s Bakery would have a website), I’ll provide the important information before my babble. Spalding’s new location is on Winchester Road, across from the peanut butter factory, near McDonald’s. Store hours are 6:30-noon… Continue reading The Wait is Over

Season Summary

Another hunt season has ended, and I’m still alive. According to my calendar, I hunted 35 times this season, 14 on Arthur and 21 on Crossbo. And I almost had one very good statistic, a big zero for total falls. I ruined that streak yesterday, the last day of the season. I don’t think I’ve… Continue reading Season Summary

Categorized as Horse Play


UPDATE — They’re open! It’s that time of year when signs of coming goodness are beginning to appear. Birds are singing. Flowers are budding. Foals are frolicking. Grass is greening. As I’ve mentioned before, my official indicator of spring is my first glimpse of a bare navel walking across campus, and I saw that last… Continue reading An-Ti-Ci-Pa-a-a-Tion