Please attack Appalachia

Just a brief note to point out this request for an attack on Appalachia. It’s a warm Wednesday afternoon, and I’m struggling just to digest lunch without causing any trouble, so I can’t add anything to it, but it’s worth reading.

Rolex Report

Reporting here is somewhat sparse because a lot of personal time has been soaked up by Rolex. The 2003 report is still under construction, and until it’s done, posting here will probably be very light. In the meantime, you can enjoy the cool horsey pictures.

Categorized as Horse Play

Political Primates

This amusing photo comparison has been circulating around the web for over two years. Now it appears that the similarities may be more than just cosmetic, according to a study by a psychology professor at UK. Arnold Ludwig, who has published his research in KING OF THE MOUNTAIN: The Nature of Political Leadership, finds that… Continue reading Political Primates

Golf is Good?

I never have understood why anybody with a sound mind and body would want to waste them playing golf. And watching it is even more incomprehensible. Even if you really want a sport with the excitement of watching grass grow, there’s dressage, which at least has the distraction of horses, and pretty women with strong… Continue reading Golf is Good?

The Miracles of Duct Tape

OK, I haven’t written any geeky stuff for a while, so here’s one. I’ve mentioned before that we webnerds in need of a life amuse ourselves by perusing our server logs to see what people are looking for. The science of search engines is still far from perfect; blindly matching keywords can lead to some… Continue reading The Miracles of Duct Tape

Categorized as Geek Stuff

Saddam’s Second Chance

Somebody sent me this UPI article about Saddam Hussein’s early unsuccessful career as a CIA hit man. Since I haven’t seen much about it in other news sources, I thought it was worth discussing here. Apparently we hired him way back in 1959 to assassinate the Iraqi prime minister, and the plot was badly botched:

Five, Six, Pick up sticks

After a week of no news here, I still don’t have anything very interesting to write about. This weekend was largely spent sawing and burning dead branches left over from the ice storm so I could cut the grass. The only equine activity was putting Shadowfax’s grazing muzzle on, which he does not appreciate in… Continue reading Five, Six, Pick up sticks

Categorized as Horse Play

Just another ho-hum routine Sunday

With hunt season over, I’m an easy target for event organizers that are constantly drafting “volunteers” to perform all the mundane but necessary chores involved in staging a successful event. Today, I was arm-twisted into timing for a hunter pace. I was even offered the opportunity to ride early before I commenced my labor if… Continue reading Just another ho-hum routine Sunday

Categorized as Horse Play

End of a Season

A warm and windy Wednesday finished off the hunt season, and then I vegged out with my other Wednesday weakness, West Wing. I assume it won’t be long before that season comes to an end too, and summer reruns start, turning Wednesday back into just another weekday instead of the best day of the week.

Categorized as Horse Play