April Fool\’s Day Etiquette?

A (former?) friend and I recently had a disagreement about the rules for another of my favorite spring traditions, April Fool’s Day. I always believed that that the game included a certain level of sportsmanship and fair play. The point, in my opinion, was to test the alertness or gullibility of the victim, and that the fooler should graciously admit defeat if the victim called “April Fool”. My antagonist shared no such sense of sportsmanship, and thought it was kosher to continue to insist on the deception after being “caught”. To me, it doesn’t seem fair to claim that you have fooled the victim by continuing to lie after he guessed the plot. That’s just taking unfair advantage in his trust in you to play fairly. Am I just a wuss who was raised on sissy games where the losers honorably admitted their losses, instead of more violent games where you didn’t lose as long as you were able to keep playing dirty?

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