The Miracles of Duct Tape

OK, I haven’t written any geeky stuff for a while, so here’s one. I’ve mentioned before that we webnerds in need of a life amuse ourselves by perusing our server logs to see what people are looking for. The science of search engines is still far from perfect; blindly matching keywords can lead to some search hits that are doubtlessly disappointing to the searcher, and amusing to the webmaster whose site gets hit by a bizarre search. For example, tonight Google guided someone to my site in response to a search for duct tape erections. I’m not sure who’s more pathetic: me with nothing better to do on a Friday night than scan server logs, or someone who might have something better to do but needs duct tape to accomplish it. But doesn’t it hurt when you take it off? And do you still need a condom? I don’t think I want to know.

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