No Sprinkles, Just Germs

The showers that had earlier been predicted for today never materialized, and the day dawned cloudy but dry. It might have even been called dismal or dreary by someone less enlightened, but it looked like a perfect hunting day to me. One minor problem was that I felt like crap, and I was reasonably sure… Continue reading No Sprinkles, Just Germs

Categorized as Horse Play

Bourbon with Sprinkles

I don’t even like sprinkles on ice cream, so when this afternoon’s weather forecast predicted a chance of “afternoon sprinkles”, I considered working instead of playing today. But a glance at this weekend’s forecast, which looks even worse, combined with some gentle arm twisting from the Bitch Pack, convinced me this was not a day… Continue reading Bourbon with Sprinkles

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The Season Returns

It’s Wednesday, and the leaves are all falling off of the trees, so it’s time to slip back into my comfortable routine. Actually, it’s past time. I missed West Wing’s season premiere a few weeks ago, and I’ve missed a couple of Wednesday hunts for various reasons. So, although the season of comfortable routine should… Continue reading The Season Returns

Categorized as Horse Play

Wonderful Weekend

I’m getting old and predictable. Anytime I say I had a wonderful weekend, it probably means I spent some time on the back of a horse. And that was the case this weekend. Saturday was the Blessing of the Hounds, and I elected to skip it this year. I hope I haven’t invoked the wrath… Continue reading Wonderful Weekend

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Election Eve

It’s probably silly to write anything about polls tonight, because by the time most people read this, we’ll be learning how right or wrong the polls were. And as the race gets tighter, the polls from the battleground states become even more unpredictable. For example, last night I mentioned that my favorite Electoral Vote Prediction… Continue reading Election Eve

Electoral Votes

I’ve been watching the Electoral Vote predictor with interest the last few days. As I mentioned previously, its methodology may be questionable, but it’s interesting, and it’s probably no more wrong than any other polls. I really don’t have much faith in the ability of any of them to predict a race this close when… Continue reading Electoral Votes

Halloween Hunt

No tricks today, just a treat. For the first time in three weeks, the weather was decent and Arthur had four shoes. It’s been a problem getting both of those to occur at the same time. So today, nothing was going to keep me out of the saddle, not even a request from the Champagne… Continue reading Halloween Hunt

Categorized as Horse Play

You call that a bargain?

Today’s Kernel had a story about Student Government’s “Ballot Bash”, an event to encourage students to vote in next week’s election. I’m all in favor of inciting political enthusiasm in the younger generation (unless they’re Republicans), but, in spite of the positive spin from the organizers and the reporter, crunching the numbers in that story… Continue reading You call that a bargain?

Shock and Awe

As Election 2004 enters its final week, the Tatertown yard sign wars are escalating. The Bush-Cheney forces up the road have made a somewhat tactical retreat, moving their tire-scarred sign back farther from the road’s edge and between a couple of shrubs. The new location hardly looks like adequate protection from a Dodge 3500 4×4… Continue reading Shock and Awe