Would it matter if he wore the jersey?

Once again, a combination of stories in the local newspaper helps reinforce some of the worst stereotypes of the citizens of our beautiful Bluegrass state. To be fair, some of the idiocy is nationwide. But one story adds a unique Kentucky flavor to the mix.

Miscellaneous Update

I’ve been neglecting this blog for a few months, for several reasons. I’ve been busy. I haven’t had anything interesting to write. So I guess that means I’ve been busy with boring stuff. I’ve also been lured into Facebook as an alternative for online babbling. More on that later. I’ll try to summarize events of… Continue reading Miscellaneous Update

Weekend Wrapup

A fun 6-day weekend is just about over. I assume anybody reading this realizes that this was Rolex weekend (the Rolex Kentucky 3-Day Event, if you’re a stranger to this site). Since I have some vacation that has to be used or lost, I decided to take a couple of days on each side of… Continue reading Weekend Wrapup

Categorized as Horse Play

Easter Eggs

Or should I call them Palm Sunday eggs, because that’s when I found them? I wasn’t intending to participate in an early Easter Egg hunt. It was an accidental discovery, and one that presents somewhat of a dilemma.

Where’s the Lamb?

According to the popular saying, March comes in like a lion, and goes out like a lamb. This year, it only got it half right. It roared in like a lion, but at month end, I was wondering what the hell happened to the lamb. Maybe the lion ate it.

Categorized as Horse Play

No Longer Dogless

I’m neglecting this blog again, mainly due to laziness. I’m also being distracted by Facebook, which is claiming much of my cyber-time. Maybe sometime I’ll comment here about the pros/cons of the Facebook format vs. a blog. But I’m too lazy to do that now. I just want to belatedly report on an update to… Continue reading No Longer Dogless

Hunting Casualty

So far, 2009 has not been a good year for hunting. It started off well, with hunts on Jan 1 and 3, but that streak didn’t last. Those of us who hunted on Jan 3 congratulated ourselves for carping the diem, because it looked like the weather was about to shut us down for a… Continue reading Hunting Casualty

Categorized as Horse Play