The Age of Antiquity

I was cruelly reminded of my age today. We’re 3 weeks into the fall semester, and as usual, campus is swarming with gorgeous young things who keep making me forget that most men my age have children older than that. The unusually hot weather has had a wonderful effect on their choice of attire. Cleavage… Continue reading The Age of Antiquity

The 35-Percenters

I just wanted to mention a couple of videos that have been making the rounds recently, in case any of my loyal readers have missed them. One isn’t exactly new, it dates back to 1994, but it’s suddenly the subject of a recent surge of interest. The other is a recent creation, and is being… Continue reading The 35-Percenters

But he’s ALWAYS awesome!

Apparently, I’ve been a negligent cad, so I’ll attempt to belatedly atone for my sin of omission. The weekend before last, Crossbo and I joined some of our buddies at Masterson Station Park for a romp around the cross-country course. It was recently brought to my attention that I had dissed him by failing to… Continue reading But he’s ALWAYS awesome!

Categorized as Horse Play

New Toy – Mid-Life Crisis?

Some actuaries might claim that I passed mid-life several years ago. Other people have told me that middle age is always 10 years older than one’s current age, which sounds reasonable to me. I’ve also heard that you’re only as old as you feel, which sounded like good advice until it got me busted for… Continue reading New Toy – Mid-Life Crisis?

Celebrity Endorsements?

Maybe this story should be titled “Did He or Didn’t He?” And maybe it shouldn’t make a difference anyway. Our “news” media has become so obssessed with feeding us endless trivia about a few people that they declare “newsworthy” while ignoring real issues. And just because a person is a famous entertainer doesn’t make his… Continue reading Celebrity Endorsements?

Niche Blogging

My raves about Spalding’s recently attracted the attention of The Blognut. Judging from the title, one might think The Blognut is slightly nutty about blogs. One would be wrong. The Blognut is a blog about doughnuts, which the author occasionally abbreviates as ‘nuts. All doughnuts, all the time.

Open ID is here

I didn’t have anything thrilling to write about, so I decided to play with the site infrastructure. Now, with some help from the Geeklog gang, this site supports OpenID login. Considering the low level of audience participation here, this is probably more of a learning experience for me than a major benefit for others. But… Continue reading Open ID is here

Run for the Rolex

Once again, it’s the first Saturday in May, when the whole world turns its eyes towards Kentucky for that overly hyped two-minute sprint in Louisvile, aka the Kentucky Derby. Even the Queen of England was here this year (which may or may not be a step up from the usual assortment of Hollywood has-beens who… Continue reading Run for the Rolex