Spammers Suck

Once again, this site has been the victim of scumsucking spammers. If these guys weren’t so loathsome, I would admire their tenacity and creativity. It really is amazing to see how much brains and brute force they devote to their misguided mission. But unfortunately, the net pollution they cause eliminates any admiration for them. For… Continue reading Spammers Suck

Categorized as Geek Stuff

The Joys of Fall

I keep saying that, as I get older, I get less tolerant of extreme weather, and now the only months that I’m happy are April and September. Right now, the end of August is beginning to feel a lot like September, which I suppose is fair since June was more like August. With the return… Continue reading The Joys of Fall

Categorized as Horse Play

Crossbo goes to school

Thanks to the hospitality of one Bitch Pack member, and the nagging of another, Crossbo and I did some jump schooling Saturday morning. And, with a little coaching from yet another, we had a very good morning.

Categorized as Horse Play

How Hot is it?

It’s pretty hot. I actually saw a new (to me) heat indicator this weekend, although I was later told it’s not really unusual. My horses, just standing in the pasture grazing, were not just sweating profusely; they actually had salt caked on their coats from evaporated sweat. I think that’s pretty bleepin hot! But since… Continue reading How Hot is it?

Categorized as Horse Play


Today was DSM (Downing Street Minutes) Day, the third anniversay of the infamous Downing Street meeting, a meeting of high-level British government officials, the minutes of which offer pretty clear proof that the Bush administration fed the world a pack of lies as they prepared for war in Iraq.

Mud Puddles and Photo Ops

My Canon has been gathering dust since Rolex, so I thought today would be a good opportunity to play with it at a local Horse Trial. But first, I had a higher priority. Crossbo has also been too idle lately (although he’s gotten more recent work than the camera), and today finally looked like a… Continue reading Mud Puddles and Photo Ops

Categorized as Horse Play

Different sort of death?

I suppose that it’s a little premature to name a winner of the Whopper of the Week award, since the week is still very young and the Bush administration seems to have an inexhaustible ability to make outrageous statements. But I think it’s safe to say that Bush’s homeland security adviser, Fran Townsend, is a… Continue reading Different sort of death?

Yes, we have RSS

If you don’t even know what RSS stands for, it’s Really Simple Syndication. Now you know almost as much about it as I do. If you’re a hard-core webhead that thinks RSS is the greatest thing since Google, you may be pleased to know that this site now has an RSS feed.