Spring is here

Spring has arrived in the Bluegrass. I know the calendar says it started almost a week ago, but that’s wrong. Sunday was one of the coldest days I’ve spent in the saddle in a long time. Spring, my ass! Actual temperature wasn’t bad (40ish), but that 20-mph wind made me (and others) glad I’d switched… Continue reading Spring is here

IBM and Linux

A Computerworld article reports that IBM hopes to move 40,000 of their desktop users to Linux by years’ end. Although that’s just a fraction of their 300,000 employees, it’s an encouraging trend. I’m not a big Linux fan; there are better alternatives. But it’s good to see the Windows stranglehold loosened a little. As an… Continue reading IBM and Linux

Categorized as Geek Stuff

Quote of the Week

“It–my view of–of the situation was that he–he had–we–we believe, the best intelligence that we had and other countries had and that–that we believed and we still do not know–we will know.” — Defense Sec. Donald Rumsfeld, on CBS News’ Face the Nation, March 14, 2004 Confused? Even in context, it doesn’t get much better.… Continue reading Quote of the Week

End of Hot Meals for Troops in Iraq?

Once again, Dick Cheney’s Halliburton is screwing US taxpayers, US corporations, and US soldiers. A Utah company that Halliburton has subcontracted to provide meals to troops in Iraq (including Bush’s Thanksgiving Turkey photo-op) reports that Halliburton hasn’t paid it the $87 million that it owes, and that if it doesn’t get paid soon, it may… Continue reading End of Hot Meals for Troops in Iraq?

Scentless, but not senseless

A beautiful winter Wednesday, beginning to feel more like spring. A glorious day to be on a horse instead of in front of a computer. Poor scenting conditions made today’s outing more of a trail ride than a hunt, but that didn’t really bother me much. My only complaint about the whole day is that… Continue reading Scentless, but not senseless

Categorized as Horse Play

I Love my Horse

I didn’t write anything about Wednesday’s hunt because it took me two days to dry out. (I’m referring to rainfall, not alcohol consumption). It’s always a tough decision whether to hunt on days with marginal weather forecasts. Frequently, if I decide not to go, I end up looking out my office window regretting my decision.… Continue reading I Love my Horse

Categorized as Horse Play

Quote of the Day

Maybe it’s just me, but I had to chuckle at this one. As Senator Kerry rolls on towards the Democratic nomination, there are predictable waves of dissension in progressive political circles. It’s the Gore/Bush/Nader/2000 story all over again. Some idealists are even calling Kerry “Bush Lite”. He’s a long way from being my favorite, but… Continue reading Quote of the Day

Marriage Amendments

I’m sure everyone is aware of the current controversy involving a proposed Constitutional amendment to protect the sanctity of marriage by including Biblical law in the Constitution. Many people erroneously refer to this as the “gay marriage” issue. In fact, the issue is far broader than just gay marriage. The Bible is full of other… Continue reading Marriage Amendments