Typo or new expression?

I got a Nigerian spam at work today (the filters at work tag most spam but don’t block it). Sometimes these things can be really amusing, like this line: This fund – US$10.5Million which is now in the ESCREW ACCOUNT of this bank came about after all efforts to trace, the NEXT OF KIN of… Continue reading Typo or new expression?

Typo or new expression?

I got a Nigerian spam at work today (the filters at work tag most spam but don’t block it). Sometimes these things can be really amusing, like this line: This fund – US$10.5Million which is now in the ESCREW ACCOUNT of this bank came about after all efforts to trace, the NEXT OF KIN of… Continue reading Typo or new expression?

A Town in Austria

My boss sent me this story about a town in Austria with an interesting name. Maybe it’s Arnold Schwarzenegger’s hometown.

Short Flight

No, I’m not talking about the failed attempt to re-create the Wright brothers’ first flight, although it might be ironic that this occurred in the week of their 100th anniversary, as a reminder of the ubiquitous effect of their invention on commerce. I ordered a Christmas gift for a nephew from Amazon.com Wednesday. Normally I… Continue reading Short Flight

A Little Tasteless Humor

The weather’s not really conducive to playing outside, and I’m not feeling particularly creative, so I’ll be lazy and resort to posting this picture a friend sent me. It’s a little coincidental, since just yesterday I’d been talking to someone else about the recent lack of humor via email. A couple of years ago, networks… Continue reading A Little Tasteless Humor

Another Google Giggle

Yet another episode of a Google search yielding an ironically bizarre but appropriate result. There are messages circulating through the netsphere encouraging people to go to Google, enter the word “failure” (without quotes), and click the “I’m Feeling Lucky” button for the site that Google thinks most closely matches your search. Try it. Unfortunately, these… Continue reading Another Google Giggle

More Quotes

Last week I posted the “quote of the month”. But, like everything else here, I suppose regularity is not a strong point. It’s tough to know when I might stumble across something worth mentioning. I ran into a couple of items recently that I thought were worth noting, even though it hasn’t been a month… Continue reading More Quotes

Canned Spam

It’s been a virtually spam-free week here in my new home on the web. And it’s not because the spammers are taking a holiday break. My Qmail logs report that, since the shields went up on Monday morning, over 600 chunks of spam have been deflected. What’s the secret? Nothing new and innovative, just an… Continue reading Canned Spam

Categorized as Geek Stuff

Quote of the Month

From the London Daily Telegraph: Commenting on a complaint from a Mr Arthur Purdey about a large gas bill, a spokesman for North West Gas said, “We agree it was rather high for the time of year. It’s possible Mr Purdey has been charged for the gas used up during the explosion that destroyed his… Continue reading Quote of the Month


“Wardriving” is the term geeks use to describe driving around with a laptop looking for insecure wireless networks to hack. So what do you call driving around with a laptop and no pants, hacking wireless networks to download kiddie porn? Bad fiction? A whole slew of articles vouch for the fact that it really happened… Continue reading Warwanking?

Categorized as Geek Stuff