1984 Plus Twenty

Twenty years after George Orwell’s prophetic 1984, we’re seeing assaults on privacy approaching, or even exceeding, those in his work of fiction. I’m sure this isn’t news to anybody with an IQ greater than Dubya’s, but a couple of recent news items brought it to the front of my mind. In an incident described as… Continue reading 1984 Plus Twenty

Run, Dennis, Run!

The media are trying hard to avoid mentioning it, but my buddy Dennis had a good weekend, with third place finishes in Washington and Maine, ahead of Clark and Edwards, who get far more press attention. Maine was the first state where he broke into double-digit percentage, with 15%. Optimistic supporters are pointing to the… Continue reading Run, Dennis, Run!

Modern Romance?

Being perpetually single, I’ve apparently become woefully unaware of what constitutes an appropriately romantic gift for that special someone in these modern times. ‘Tis the season when the media are saturated with advertisements from merchants reminding us that nothing says “I love you” better than whatever it is they’re selling. The jewelry ads aren’t surprising;… Continue reading Modern Romance?

Good Housekeeping

Today’s New York Times had an interesting article about bacteria and food-borne illness, suggesting that we should all be far more terrified of our own kitchens than of any mad cow. Expecting to find a scathing condemnation of my entire way of life, I was pleasantly surprised to find an endorsement of my own housekeeping… Continue reading Good Housekeeping

Rate the Candidates

Here’s an interesting survey that a friend sent me. Based on your responses to questions about issues, it rates how the presidential candidates meet your preferences. The results could be surprising. It was no surprise to me that, based on my responses, Kucinich was on top with 100% and Bush was on the bottom with… Continue reading Rate the Candidates

Tasty Turnips

I guess it’s a good thing I didn’t listen to the weather forecast last night. The morning paper predicted conditions that were marginal for hunting, considering the frozen state of the ground. I hadn’t been on a horse since New Year’s Day, and I didn’t want to pass up what might be the best chance… Continue reading Tasty Turnips

Categorized as Horse Play

Linux Sucks

Considering all the other symptoms that our society is becoming increasingly moronic, I’m not sure why I’m still amazed at all the hype and attention given to Linux. I guess I still expect a few segments of society to have a little more intelligence. Sure, Linux is better than Windows, but that’s like saying Wesley… Continue reading Linux Sucks

Categorized as Geek Stuff

Murphy’s Law

Everybody knows Murphy’s Law: “If anything can go wrong, it will”. Right? Well, maybe not exactly. Who was Murphy, anyway? Did he really exist? Did he really say that? According to an article I stumbled onto, he really did exist (there’s even a picture of him), but exactly what he said, and what the law… Continue reading Murphy’s Law

Categorized as Geek Stuff

Happy New Year!

Unfortunately, I don’t have any immediate words of wisdom to start off the new year. I’m not going to make resolutions that I won’t keep (like resolving to update this site more often). I thought I had at least gotten the New Year off to a good start by finally getting an opportunity to hunt,… Continue reading Happy New Year!

Categorized as Horse Play