No, Darryl, I haven’t forgotten; Have you?

I haven’t done much political ranting here recently, mainly because I don’t see much point in regurgitating other points of view unless I can add something, or unless I find something that hasn’t gotten much media attention. But I’ve about reached the point of physical regurgitation from hearing Darryl Worley singing his nauseating “Have You… Continue reading No, Darryl, I haven’t forgotten; Have you?

Some people will steal anything

According to Newsday A man stole a $2500 GPS-based computerized home-detention tracking device that had been temporarily left outside the home of the woman who was supposed to be wearing it. By the time she reported the loss, prison officials had already rounded up the thief. I wonder who he thought would buy it.

More Efficient Election Fraud?

Here’s another one of those stories that makes you ask “Is this guy a complete moron, or just so arrogant he doesn’t care?” A Cleveland Plain Dealer article reports: The head of a company vying to sell voting machines in Ohio told Republicans in a recent fund-raising letter that he is “committed to helping Ohio… Continue reading More Efficient Election Fraud?

Blogging Blackout?

Some of you loyal email subscribers may have wondered why you haven’t received any mindless musings lately. Really loyal fans who faithfully checked the site in the absence of email may have noticed that folks who were relying on email were missing a little, but not much. I just haven’t had much to say lately,… Continue reading Blogging Blackout?

Categorized as Geek Stuff

Update on Jesse’s Girl

As I was posting the previous musings, I noticed that my last entry was about Stevie D’s trip to Bonneville with Jesse’s Girl (and also noticed that it had been two weeks since I posted anything … summer doldrums). So I thought maybe an update would be in order. A newspaper article reports that Stevie… Continue reading Update on Jesse’s Girl

National Holiday?

Maybe it should be. Today is both Shania Twain‘s and Lee Ann Rimes‘s birthday. (Shania is 38 and Lee Ann is now an officially legal 21). Some might dispute Shania’s claim to being a national treasure since she’s Canadian by birth and lives in Switzerland, but I’ll still happily worship her. Lee Ann’s 21st just… Continue reading National Holiday?

Did I write that?

This afternoon, along with miscellaneous other junk in my mailbox, I found a little plastic box with tear-jerker pictures and the title “Three Journeys”. My first thought was that it was some kind of religious propaganda, but it turned out to be an advertising DVD from Lexus. Not having a DVD player at home, I… Continue reading Did I write that?

Jesse’s Girl

On the way home today, I noticed my odometer indicating that it’s about time for an oil change. I made a mental note to call my mechanic and schedule an appointment. Then I got home and settled down with my newspaper, and realized I’ll probably have to wait a while for that oil change. It… Continue reading Jesse’s Girl