Short Course?

I received email from one of the security geeks at work that began: Microsoft and UK have arranged a two-day (no-cost) training session that will provide information about what we can do to better protect our IT infrastructure and applications against security threats — both today and in the future. So, after they tell us… Continue reading Short Course?

Categorized as Geek Stuff

Lessons for the week

It’s finally June in Kentucky. After a couple of weeks with April rainfall and August temperatures, we finally had a pleasant weekend that wasn’t sweltering or soaking. Of course, any such lucky break in the weather is largely devoted to serious defoliation of the jungle which has sprung up as a result of the rainfall… Continue reading Lessons for the week

Categorized as Horse Play

Yay, Teddy!

I knew there was a reason why I liked Ted Kennedy. From a Wired article: Ngozi Pole is systems administrator for Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Massachusetts), whose office runs the only Mac operation on Capitol Hill. Pole administers about 60 Macs and a couple of PCs. “(The Senate) got hit pretty hard by a worm recently,”… Continue reading Yay, Teddy!

Categorized as Geek Stuff

Patriot Act strikes again

This is insane. A University of Buffalo art professor’s wife dies of cardiac arrest; the police decide his art supplies are bioterrorism weapons; and they confiscate his wife’s body. My only reaction is incoherent sputtering that doesn’t translate well to the written word. You’ll have to read the story yourself.

Cronkite at Pomona

This is powerful stuff. Somebody emailed me a copy of Walter Cronkite’s 2004 commencement address at Pomona University. It contained some pretty blunt observations, such as: We are plagued with the Iraq war — a possibly improving economy — but still a tragically large population of unemployed or under-employed — and an environmental crisis that… Continue reading Cronkite at Pomona

A Good Constitutional Amendment

In the March 21, 2004 Washington Post, Gene Weingarten wrote a very good column, with his tongue firmly in his cheek, explaining why we need a Constitutional amendment against gay marriage. It’s amusing and worth reading. I’ll respect the Post‘s copyright and not copy it here, but I can’t resist repeating the additional amendment Weingarten… Continue reading A Good Constitutional Amendment

Beer Good, Condoms Bad

My boss frequently passes along valuable advice that he finds. Today, I got email from him that said Beer can be good for you MODERATE consumption of beer helped protect the liver from cirrhosis and other diseases, a Spanish researcher said yesterday. When I followed the enclosed link for more information, it turned out to… Continue reading Beer Good, Condoms Bad

Shields Operational

It’s good that I decided to rush the software upgrade to prevent more anonymous comments full of spam links. It didn’t take long for the shields to be put to the test. I got hit by another assault tonight; in about 30 minutes, a bunch of machines tried to add about 45 comments to various… Continue reading Shields Operational

Arrgh! I was link-spammed!!

If you notice any minor strangeness about this site, it’s probably due to a very hasty upgrade to a new version of the Geeklog software, without taking the time to track down and redo all the little tweaks I’d made to the old installation. The reason for the haste is that I was hit by… Continue reading Arrgh! I was link-spammed!!