Dear Congressman Chandler

It was no great surprise to see that Kentucky’s two Senators, who are two of the worst Republicans in the Senate, had voted to renew the Patriot Act. It was a little disappointing to see that our 6th District Representative, who calls himself a Democrat, had also voted in favor of it. Here’s a copy of my recent letter to him on the subject.

Dear Congressman Chandler

I was disappointed to see that you had voted to renew the Patriot Act. As a contributor to your gubernatorial campaign and both your Congressional campaigns, I am sorry that I helped elect someone who supports the radical Republican administration’s assault on civil and human rights.

As I read more and more news of my government holding prisoners indefinitely without charges, “rendering” prisoners to countries where they can be tortured, maintaining secret prisons in unknown countries, illegally spying on our own citizens, etc., I feel that my liberty is threatened far more by my own government than by any terrorist. Our only hope for freedom is a strong Congress that will stand up for the rights of the people who elected them. I’m sad to see that you side with your Republican colleagues and against the interests of your constituents.

As a result of my previous financial support for your campaigns, I receive frequent requests for additional contributions so that you can continue your “good work”. If your idea of “good work” is to continue helping the Republicans dismantle the Constitution, which President Bush recently called “a goddamned piece of paper”, I think I’ll save my money and hope there’s a candidate in next year’s primary election who deserves it more than you do.

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