It’s Wednesday, but my horse is behaving

After confusing several of my hunting companions with my horse-swapping in the last few weeks, I may have confused myself today. I never had any doubt about which horse I was riding, even though I did accidentally call him Arthur a few times. But I did keep thinking that today was Sunday. I’m not sure why it felt so much like Sunday, but maybe it’s because I was on a horse that stood quietly at checks.

I haven’t written much in the Horse Play category recently. That’s not because I haven’t been playing with my horses. It’s just that there hasn’t been much to write that’s not repetitious. Arthur has been great. Crossbo has been even better. Life is good.

With the beginning of formal hunt season last weekend, all hunts now start well after daylight. That eliminates my reason for hunting Crossbo only on Sunday. So I celebrated the start of my new “any day, either horse” routine by taking Crossbo today. And, as usual, he made me glad I did.

On a windy 75-degree day, there’s not much that can be said about the hunting. But it was a great day to be out, even if my slow recovery from an intestinal virus prevented me from partaking in the usual communion. At least I found out that I can ride sober.

And, back on the subject of schedules and confusion, it doesn’t quite feel like Wednesday without West Wing. At least they moved it to another hunting day, so if I ever get used to the switch, I can get back in the groove of relaxing in front of the tube after a fun day in the field. But I’ve missed most of the shows this season, because I’m an old fart that adapts slowly to change and I just can’t get my mind to slip into a Sunday West Wing rut. Also, the earlier time slot is a pain; sometimes it’s hard to be ready to settle down to watch TV before 9 PM.

I’m sure anybody geeky enough to be reading this is wondering why I don’t just Tivo it and watch it whenever I want. Remember I’m a redneck geek; I buy tractors instead of Tivos. I don’t even have a working VCR.

I thought maybe I could shift into a pre-hunt TV rut by watching Commander in Chief on Tuesday nights. Sort of like West Wing, with the added attraction of Geena Davis. She’s hot. The show is not. Even though I’ve whined about West Wing going downhill lately, CinC doesn’t even come close. I guess the good news is that I don’t have to worry about getting hooked on another show and doubling my one hour a week TV addiction.


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