Hottie of the Week

I may be reaching the point many bloggers reach, where the novelty wears off and I realize I really don’t have anything interesting to say. Of course, the political scene has provided lots of fodder, but I don’t have any unique insight that hasn’t already been covered by thousands of others. So I’m falling back to an area that is also overworked in a net with a large population of adolescent, or adolescent-minded, males. The slight twist is that the subjects of my cyberstalking (like Olympic equestriennes) tend to be a little more obscure than the typical supermodels or movie stars to which thousands of horny geeks have erected cybershrines (aka stalker sites). This week’s hottie is Katrina vanden Heuvel; even her name is a mouthful.

I’ve been admiring (drooling over) Ms. vanden Heuvel’s image for a while, in the pages of The Nation, of which she has been the editor (not exactly the kind of periodical that usually caters to male fantasies). My attention was drawn to her again today, in a NY Times article about her promotion to publisher.

I know it’s shallow to focus on the physical beauty of someone as intelligent and accomplished as Ms. vanden Heuvel, but hey, I’m a guy, we’re pigs. Besides, we get tired of the Limbaugh gang claiming that all intelligent, progressive-minded women are ugly.

One sad note: according to Ms. vanden Heuvel’s Wikipedia bio, she’s married. I guess I need to find somebody else to stalk.

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