Support the Troops, Really

I have frequently ranted here in the past about the hypocrisy of those who blindly chorus “Support the troops”, while supporting a political regime which is providing the troops with an appalling lack of support as they send them off to die in a needless war.
Rumsfeld’s recent idiotic reply to troops who are concerned about a lack of armor certainly provides yet another opportunity to rant. But I’ve got nothing more to say than hundreds of other bloggers have already said, so I won’t bother. Instead, I’ll pass along this email I recently received which offers a simple way to really show some support in this holiday season, with little more effort than is required to stick one of those stupid ribbons on your car.

Yellow ribbons tied around trees and red, white and
stickers on the backs SUVs saying “Support our Troops”
are things that make civilians feel good but do
for the men and women actually in uniform.

Please consider the following:

The number ONE request at Walter Reed hospital is
phone cards.
The government doesn’t pay long distance phone charges
these wounded soldiers are rationing their calls home.
Many will be there throughout the holidays.

Really support our troops –Send phone cards of any
amount to:

Medical Family Assistance Center
Walter Reed Medical Center
6900 Georgia Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20307-5001

They say they need an “endless” supply of these — any
even $5 is greatly appreciated.
Walmart has good prices on AT&T cards, Costco, Sams
Club is even
better, if you are a member.

I am sure you would feel better about doing this, than
to buy
something for a third cousin, that would find it on
the closet shelf
six months later, and wonder where it came from.

Please pass this portion on, copy and paste it into
your e-mail,and send to everyone you know

The above was copied exactly as I received it, including the suggestions on where to purchase the cards. I’m not personally recommending any particular source, and I do feel compelled to pass along the reminder I received from someone else that Walmart and Sam’s Club are places that conscientious shoppers might wish to avoid.

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