Taste of the Real World? Starship Fans?

MTV’s The Real World (one more “reality” show I’d never heard of) was holding casting calls in Lexington yesterday. Their 18-24 age range naturally attracted college students in sufficient numbers to earn front page coverage in the Kernel, the campus newspaper. The editor’s choice of headline stirred some evil thoughts in the mind of a dirty old man.

The first thought was “Taste of the Real World? Yeah right .. for most of us that’s a fantasy world”. Then my mind flashed back about 30 years, to the first time I comprehended a particular line from Jefferson Starship’s “Miracles”. Other hardcore Starship fans probably remember similar experiences, a chemically-enhanced state of mind being slowly pierced by the question “Did I really hear that?” (remember this was about 30 years ago), and trying to muster the coordination to move the turntable’s tone arm to replay a segment of song, without scratching the vinyl.

With a little thought, the Starship junkies will remember what I’m talking about (unless your drugs were REALLY good). Everybody else will have to read the lyrics for their own taste of the real world. Looking at that picture and headline, and remembering those lyrics, the hopeless pervert can only think “Oh YEAH”. Do you suppose that’s really what the editor had in mind? Naaah .. even if they’re that demented, these young punks have probably never even heard of Starship. Have you?

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