A few quickies

A few interesting items dropped into my e-box today, and, although I don’t have much to add, I wanted to share them. One is Paul Krugman’s column in the NY Times about the questionable value of manned space travel. Adding humans increases the complexity and the expense of space missions by orders of magnitude while adding little value. And it makes failures more tragic (although personally I don’t understand our nation’s obsession with the deaths of seven astronauts as being more tragic than any other run-of-the-mill multiple-fatality accident .. almost any dead human leaves behind grieving family and friends).

And a day without Bush-bashing is like a day without .. well, I’m not sure what. Here’s a cool interactive version of a photo comparison I’d seen earlier. And we also have two different versions of the number one hit in the White House singalong sessions: the original from Karen DeCoster, and an inspired derivative version from John Robbins. (Mr. Robbins is an heir to the Baskin-Robbins empire; between him and Ben&Jerry, there must be something about making ice cream that makes good people).

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