News Briefs

Some interesting items in the news, local and worldwide;

Arrest prompts review at NKU
– “The arrest of the Northern Kentucky University Foundation president on marijuana trafficking charges will prompt a review of its financial records by an outside auditor.” The head of a college fundraising foundation selling marijuana? Hey, give the guy credit for creativity. Budgets are tight everywhere, and I bet the revenue beats the hell out of a bake sale.

Prisoner flees in new Mustang
– “A prisoner at the LaRue County jail bought a car from the deputy jailer’s father, then escaped in the car when the deputy jailer went into a pharmacy, state police said.” What can I say? A deputy jailer lets a prisoner test drive a car the deputy’s father has for sale. Even the Dukes of Hazzard writers wouldn’t have created an episode that stupid.

And, on an international level: Beer shortage in Germany? Yeah, right! A friend sent me this article (for some reason, people always send me stuff about beer) about the threat of a beer shortage in Germany as a result of a new mandatory deposit on cans
and non re-useable bottles. This sounds like the same sort of crap the beverage and container industries spread in this country whenever a state considers similar legislation. And when the legislation passes, there never seems to be a problem. Besides, what self-respecting German drinks beer out of a can anyway?

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