Weather sucks

As I get older and crankier, the timespan each year when I’m happy gets shorter. Now it’s down to about September and April.
With a local forecast predicting low temperature in the low twenties Wednesday night, and a high in the 30s on Thanksgiving,
I had just about convinced myself that getting up at 6 AM Thursday for a 9 AM hunt would be a little chilly, but bearable.
And I really needed the attitude adjustment a holiday hunt would provide.
Then the phone call came Wednesday night saying the hunt had been cancelled, presumably because of weather.
Now I’m not ashamed to admit I’m a fair weather hunter, and have wimped out of many hunts. But the ones I’ve wimped out of
have all been in much worse weather, and they went on anyway. And now the weekend forecast doesn’t look much more promising. Saturday could be OK if it was an afternoon hunt, but it’s morning when it will still be cold. And Sunday is going to suck worse than today. Friday actually looks decent, but of course it’s not a hunting day; maybe I’ll just have to get my butt in gear and take my own “hounds” out for a hack around the farm.

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