I\’m Getting Senile

Or maybe St. Hubert just really wants me to stay home and clean my house today. Looking outside, I just couldn\’t resist the call of the hunt. So I decided I could at least go out enjoy the weather and take some pictures. I figure the digital camera saves me roughly $10/roll on film and developing, so I need to take a boatload of pictures to make it pay for itself. So I grabbed the camera and a spare battery (it burns batteries fast, fortunately it uses rechargeables) and headed out. I got to the clubhouse about 20 minutes before the blessing was supposed to start and turned the camera on. And I got a flashing red message telling me I\’d forgotten to put the memory card back in; the digital equivalent of having no film. And with a 40-minute drive each way, running home to get it wasn\’t an option. What\’s really frustrating is I\’d thought about checking all the camera settings before I left home, which would have caught that goof, but I decided to wait until I got to the club.

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