‘Tis the Season

I do believe it’s finally Fall in the Bluegrass. Today was gorgeous. Weather forecasters have issued our first frost advisory for tonight. I switched on the heat at home, although it’s not cool enough for it to kick in yet; I’ve gotten too old to wake up freezing because it was still warm the day before.

I went on my first hunt of the season today, which unfortunately ended with the season’s first trip to the equine ER. I sure hope that’s not an omen. I suspect my mother cast a hex on me. Last night she threatened to disown me if I hunt next Sunday instead of going to the local anti-war rally. Arthur’s injury isn’t very serious, but it’s probably enough to keep us out of the hunt field for a week, so maybe I’ll go preach peace.

Speaking of anti-war rallies, I see France had a bunch of them yesterday. Thousands of people in Paris, and smaller crowds in thirty other cities. I know W doesn’t give a damn what citizens in other countries think; he doesn’t even give a damn what his own citizens (and own advisers) think. But at least he won’t be able to tell us he’s acting with international support … well, actually, he probably will tell us that, but there will be plenty of obvious contradiction.

Wow … just looked at today’s Doonesbury. One line just jumps out at you: “In one year, Bush has transformed worldwide sympathy toward America into universal resentment”. That’s what should be scaring people.

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