I noticed a one-paragraph article buried in the middle of the Sunday newspaper reporting that thousands of Italians rallied in Rome, Venice, and other cities to protest the United States\’ plans for war in Iraq. Our media seem determined not to make us aware of the fact that we are dangerously isolating ourselves from the rest of the world and making ourselves even more a target for terrorism.
I finally quit procrastinating and emailed several Senators and Congressmen urging them not to sacrifice principles and lives for votes.
And I see that W will be just up the road in Cincinnati tomorrow, as his handlers have decided the \"heartland\" is a good place for a pro-war pep rally. I\’m sure the audience is carefully vetted and the whole charade will be choreographed to make it seem like we\’re getting psyched up for the hometown team instead of starting a bloodbath. But I think we can count on at least a few decent people to show up and show that some people in the heartland DO have hearts. I wish I could be there myself. I wonder if we can count on the press for a fair view of incidents here at home.