Should I be offended?

There’s a lot of buzz in the news this week about the Mac Mini. And it deserves a lot of buzz. It’s way cool. There’s also an irresistible urge to compare it to the (in)famous Cube. Most of the comparisons are somewhat unflattering to the Cube, and some Apple reps bristled at the suggestion, as… Continue reading Should I be offended?

Categorized as Geek Stuff

What’s a mainframe?

I haven’t indulged in much technobabble here recently, so I guess today is as good a time as any for a good geek rant, since I scored another casualty in my long-running personal crusade to banish meaningless buzzwords from the vocabulary of morons. People who work with me have learned to humor me, with some… Continue reading What’s a mainframe?

Categorized as Geek Stuff

A Glimmer of Hope?

UPDATE — They’re open! Maybe all is not lost. I recently reported the sad news about Spalding’s sudden and unexpected closing, along with the grapevine rumor that it was permanent. Finally, the local news media got off their butts and shed some light on the story. It’s disgraceful that it took them over a month… Continue reading A Glimmer of Hope?

Flask Hunting

December weather has really been the pits. We’ve had lots of rain, followed by a few bitter cold days. The warming trend of the last couple of days has been just enough to turn the ground into the kind of slick mess that no sane person would ride on. However, foxhunters aren’t known for sanity,… Continue reading Flask Hunting

Categorized as Horse Play

Quote of the Week

Still in the “Support the Troops” vein: This quote came from Barb, in reference to this UPI story about homeless Iraq veterans: “What level of Christian (or other) fellowship sends its children off to kill others and then offers them no assistance on returning home?” Something to ponder during the holiday season.

Support the Troops, Really

I have frequently ranted here in the past about the hypocrisy of those who blindly chorus “Support the troops”, while supporting a political regime which is providing the troops with an appalling lack of support as they send them off to die in a needless war. Rumsfeld’s recent idiotic reply to troops who are concerned… Continue reading Support the Troops, Really

It’s Hard Work

Many of the critics of the recent presidential debates couldn’t resist the opportunity to roast Bush for repeatedly whining “It’s hard work”. Now it turns out his critics may have been too harsh. It really is hard work. A Wired article reports on a Temple University study that the brain works harder when lying than… Continue reading It’s Hard Work

The Quick and the Dead

For a while this weekend, it was beginning to look like I’d really made the wrong decision on the weather. Thursday’s hunt was cancelled because of all the rain earlier in the week. I opted to skip Saturday because of the threat of more rain, and keep my fingers crossed for Sunday. When the rain… Continue reading The Quick and the Dead

Categorized as Horse Play

I may be a technophobe

I got to test-drive my brother and sister-in-law’s new Prius today. (It’s probably more hers than his, since most of his drive time is in a more macho Dodge Cummins 2500). They finally got it a couple of weeks ago after about a 6-month wait. The technology is intriguing. There’s a lot of interesting engineering… Continue reading I may be a technophobe