Sunday Morning Project

About three years ago, I wrote about my less-than-happy experience with a gizmo that was supposed to allow my iPod to play through my car stereo. Eventually I gave up on it, and settled for listening to the same CD over and over until I got motivated to change it. Unfortunately, I was recently faced… Continue reading Sunday Morning Project

Categorized as Geek Stuff

Pulse Check

It’s been over three months since my last musings. I’ve had inquiries from readers hoping the hiatus was due only to writer’s block and not some dire misfortune keeping me away from the keyboard. So I guess it’s time to write something to put all fears to rest. My critters and I are indeed all… Continue reading Pulse Check

Season Finale

It’s that time of year again. Birds are singing, grass is greening, flowers are blooming, navels are showing. That means yet another hunt season is drawing to a close. This season was cursed by some of the worst, wettest weather I can remember. We got off to a fairly good start in October. November was… Continue reading Season Finale

Who needs dragons?

A couple of decades ago, my erstwhile sailing buddy and I were having deep philosophical discussion. The dialog had reached a level of profundity that can only be attained through ingestion of copious quantities of ethanol. Embarking on a radical new tangent, Dave suddenly blurted “J Matt, we need more dragons.” This was somewhat confusing,… Continue reading Who needs dragons?

Categorized as Horse Play

Political Brew-Haha

BBC News reports on a popular new beer in Kenya. Capitalizing on the popularity of Kenya’s expatriate favorite sun now running for US President, East African Breweries is marketing Senator Keg beer, popularly known as Obama. When I first heard about it, I thought that it should be a light beer, sold with a lot… Continue reading Political Brew-Haha

Super Tossup?

It seems like only yesterday that political pundits promised presidential candidates would be picked by primaries on Super Tuesday, if not before. Now that Super Tuesday, and a few more primaries, have come and gone, at least the Democratic race still lurches towards the convention. It appears that late-voting states, rather than being disenfranchised as… Continue reading Super Tossup?

Danger, Beware, Danger!!!

Since it’s too early to write about the Super Tuesday results, I might as well take some time to perform a valuable public service and pass along an urgent warning to my loyal readers. The Gullibility Virus is once again spreading rampantly around the Internet. Be very careful to avoid being its next victim! You… Continue reading Danger, Beware, Danger!!!

Categorized as Geek Stuff

Should Bill Chill?

I don’t have much respect for Bill Clinton’s taste in women, either the one he married or the ones he chose to fool around with. Surely somebody with the chick-magnet potential of the Presidency could have done better than Monica Lewinsky. But he was a pretty damn good President. And he got to be President… Continue reading Should Bill Chill?

Openness 5

With all the recent dismal weather curtailing outdoor fun, it might seem that I should have more time for mindless musings, which have been scarce recently. Available time is not the issue. The doldrums are also affecting my creative enthusiasm. So, in a feeble attempt to fill space here, I’m stooping to stealing a recent… Continue reading Openness 5

Categorized as Geek Stuff

Off to a good start

I realize my musings have been pretty sparse lately, and horse news has been even sparser. That’s partly because December sucked. Due to crappy weather and scheduling problems, Crossbo and I only hunted twice in December, and I managed to get in one other non-hunting ride. Only three rides in a month makes us both… Continue reading Off to a good start

Categorized as Horse Play