How Bout Them Chicks?

I normally don’t have much to say about the entertainment world, but I have to cheer for the Dixie Chicks and their Grammy Awards. It’s somewhat ironic that I first heard the news from Clear Channel’s Republican asshole DJs griping about it. Normally the Clear Channel team’s Limbaugh-like drivel makes me want to shoot my… Continue reading How Bout Them Chicks?

Good Karma, Good Hounds

The lesson for today was obviously “Do the right thing”. And now, at the end of the day, the right thing was obviously hunting. But earlier in the day, if I had been superstitious, I might have wondered if I was being set up for a different lesson about priorites or tempting fate.

Categorized as Horse Play

Apologies to Dr. King

The first apology is for being a wimp and skipping the first part of my usual Martin Luther King Day routine. Monday morning brought a continuation of the rain that had been falling all weekend, and I just couldn’t get motivated to march through Lexington in the rain. I know that Dr. King and those… Continue reading Apologies to Dr. King

Hey GW, here’s a plan

In recent days, GW Bush and Deadeye Dick Cheney have both attacked critics of Bush’s Iraq war escalations, saying the critics are not suggesting any alternatives. From GW: “To oppose everything while proposing nothing is irresponsible.” From the Dickster: “They have absolutely nothing to offer in its place. I have yet to hear a coherent… Continue reading Hey GW, here’s a plan

Decisions, decisions

With Christmas two weeks away, and me still undecided about what some people need/want for Christmas, I suppose it’s silly to be thinking about political elections in 2007 and 2008. But it’s important to remember that there’s less time than one might think, because the November choices will be no-brainers. The May primaries are when… Continue reading Decisions, decisions

United We Stand?

There’s been a lot of hysterical ranting recently about something inaccurately called the North American Union, brought to my attention by a loyal reader. There seems to be a lot of FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) about what’s really been proposed, and the conspiracy freaks are too busy frothing at the mouth about secret meetings,… Continue reading United We Stand?

Endless War on Spam

The war on spam threatens to be as endless and futile as the war on terror. A recent CNN/Reuters report claims that 9 out of 10 email messages are spam. I’ve recently been forced to fortify my own defenses, both on this site and on my email server, so I guess it’s a good time… Continue reading Endless War on Spam

Categorized as Geek Stuff

Thanksgiving Triple Treat

The entire long Thanksgiving weekend was blessed with beautiful weather, and I was able to maintain tradition with a Thanksgiving day hunt. Unfortunately, there was no opportunity to cut anybody’s clothes off (a tradition which has probably never been explained here, since it dates back to the pre-blog era), but other traditions were appropriately honored.… Continue reading Thanksgiving Triple Treat

Categorized as Horse Play

Double your pleasure

After a couple of weeks with nothing to say, maybe “double your pleasure” refers to the fact that I actually managed to write two posts in one day. Or, maybe it refers to the fact that today was doubly delightful as it was a wonderful hunting day following a night of delightful election news. But,… Continue reading Double your pleasure

Categorized as Horse Play