Good News; What Next?

After six years of trying, it looks like George Bush and his administration finally proved that P. T. Barnum was wrong when he said “You’ll never go broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people.” The Bush Gang just kept trying to find the limits of the American people’s stupidity, and for a long time… Continue reading Good News; What Next?

I love October

Ahh, ’tis early October, that wonderful overlap of summer and fall, with cool, misty mornings and warm, sunny afternoons. This time of year, a weekday presents the opportunity to enjoy the sunrise on horseback with friends and a flask of Bourbon, and later stroll across campus eating an ice cream cone and enjoy the view… Continue reading I love October

Categorized as Horse Play

Where were you?

Before even getting out of bed this morning, I was assaulted by the nauseating strains of “Have you Forgotten?” from my clock radio. My first thought was “God-DAMN! Even those Republican assholes at Clear Channel are gonna have to give up on the warmongering sometime.” Then I realized it was “in honor” of the fifth… Continue reading Where were you?

Crossbo meets the Mounties

Yes, you are looking at a picture of Crossbo being ridden by a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Yes, that’s a real Mountie, and not some clown in a costume. No, he wasn’t impounded after an international pursuit for RUI. This picture was taken at a recent clinic provided by the Lexington (KY)… Continue reading Crossbo meets the Mounties

Categorized as Horse Play

The Terrorists have won

The news for the last few days indicates a severe casualty in the war on terror. The latest victim is the collective sanity of an entire society. Without even trying very hard, the terrorists, with a little help from our government (or do I have that backwards?) have driven us all crazy.

Better Living Through Chemistry

Browsing through the print edition of The Nation, I saw an advertisement from Common Sense for Drug Policy. CSDP is an organization which advocates education and treatment, rather than criminal penalties and incarceration, as a cure for drug problems. In support of their position, they cited the example of Dr. William Stewart Halsted.

Goodbye Joe

Good news from Connecticut. I know this is a day late, and the subject has already been beaten to death in countless blogs. But I just have to give a shoutout to the Democratic voters in Connecticut for dumping that asshole Joe Lieberman in their U.S Senate primary. For several years, I’ve used Lieberman as… Continue reading Goodbye Joe

Clarification, please?

I was killing some time at work this afternoon reading some of the junk that had accumulated in my mailbox this week. There was an official looking envelope from the President’s Office with the official “Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct”. Pretty dry reading, but I figured if they sent it to me, they must… Continue reading Clarification, please?

Alive but no life

It’s been almost six weeks since I posted anything here, so loyal readers may be wondering whether I have succumbed to some horrendous fate. I’m still alive, I just haven’t had any wonderful experiences or stunning insights worth writing about recently. The summer slump seems to be contagious; many blogs seem to be suffering the… Continue reading Alive but no life