What was he thinking?

There’s been a disappointing lack of both creativity or stupidity among the campus criminal crowd this semester. In the past, when things got boring, I could usually rely on the campus newspaper’s weekly crime log for at least one entry that was either bizarre or amusingly stupid. This fall, it’s been mostly routine theft, intoxication,… Continue reading What was he thinking?

Microsoft Rewards

Microsoft has announced a $5 million reward fund to catch virus writers, kicked off by $250,000 apiece for the SoBig and MSBlast creators. I wonder if they considered whether it would be cheaper to just write better software that’s not susceptible to hacking by any bored teenager. Naah … cleaning up Windows would probably cost… Continue reading Microsoft Rewards

Categorized as Geek Stuff

Bombing Alert?

Scottish observers are reporting large movements of US warplanes. Experienced observers say the large numbers are reminiscent of those that preceded the bombing of Iraq in 1998 and military strikes on Libya in the1980’s as well as the first Gulf War.

Recycled Joke

I’m usually not a fan of old jokes that have been re-written with a new cast. It’s fairly common, especially in the political realm, where the same jokes are repeated decade after decade with changes in the names to reflect the political leaning of the teller. I recently received an example of this, passed along… Continue reading Recycled Joke

Now, that\’s hunting!

Earlier this month, I waxed eloquent (or babbled inanely) about the joys of October Wednesdays. One of the nice things about hunting Wednesday mornings is that it leaves me in a good mood to face an afternoon of work. A fairly relaxing morning in the saddle on a Kentucky autumn morning leaves a warm feeling… Continue reading Now, that\’s hunting!

Categorized as Horse Play

Washington\’s Whisky

Thanks to Carole for passing along this story about distillers at Mount Vernon recreating George Washington’s whisky recipe. One item in the article surprised me. I knew Washington made whisky, but I didn’t know he didn’t start until after he retired from politics. I always assumed that he had been the first US politician to… Continue reading Washington\’s Whisky

What’s so bad about that?

A Wired story reports on a group of New England mothers who have started a billboard campaign against genetic engineering. While I generally sympathize with their stand against too much meddling with nature, I’m not sure I see anything wrong with the example they use on their billboards. It’s almost enough to make me a… Continue reading What’s so bad about that?

Canning Spam

I’ve frequently said that the solution to spam should be legislative and not technical. I don’t want to engage in a never-ending battle of technology with spammers, constantly upgrading my filter technology to combat their latest tricks. I just want the government to make them leave me alone. I know some people disagree with that… Continue reading Canning Spam

Categorized as Geek Stuff

Obscenity on the Internet

One common complaint about the internet is that it’s too easy to inadvertently stumble onto offensive material when innocently searching for something else. I had such an experience today. I was searching for some information, and ended up on a page with a teaser link that I couldn’t resist following. I won’t claim to be… Continue reading Obscenity on the Internet

Too Hot to Hunt …

… but too nice not to. That was the dilemma this weekend. As I weighed my options on Friday night, I decided to skip the Saturday morning hunt and go out Sunday afternoon. I spent Saturday doing some yard work, and the afternoon heat made me reconsider the wisdom of running a horse into the… Continue reading Too Hot to Hunt …

Categorized as Horse Play