Will Fox News report this?

From a Baltimore Sun story: Heavy viewers of the Fox News Channel are nearly four times as likely to hold demonstrably untrue positions about the war in Iraq as media consumers who rely on National Public Radio or the Public Broadcasting System, according to a study released this week by a research center affiliated with… Continue reading Will Fox News report this?

Bush Bashing – A Family Affair

When pseudo-president Bush came to Lexington on Thursday to help raise an obscene amount of money for the Republican gubernatorial candidate, over a thousand Kentuckians turned out to express their displeasure with the state of the nation. Not surprisingly, a few of those protestors were Simpsons. I took the Nikon along and managed to snap… Continue reading Bush Bashing – A Family Affair

October Wednesdays

Could anything be finer than a Wednesday in October? I suddenly realized why I love this month, and Wednesdays especially. I suppose it might be a sign of creeping old age when one starts to find comfort in established routines (ruts?), but I’m not ashamed to admit that I wouldn’t mind settling into this rut… Continue reading October Wednesdays

Tally Ho!

The days are getting shorter, the weather is getting cooler, the students are wearing more clothes. On the bright side, that means it’s hunting season. Brother and I and our steeds got out for our first hunt of the season today. A little warmer than we expected, but still a very pleasant day.

Categorized as Horse Play

Big Brother would love this!

A Wired story reports on a research project at Georgia Tech to evaluate using GPS technology to calculate automobile insurance rates. GPS units have been installed in 500 vehicles from a randomly selected cross section of households. The tracking boxes will create a detailed log of where every car went and when, how fast they… Continue reading Big Brother would love this!

Gee, that’s pretty easy advice

From a New York Times article: WASHINGTON, Sept. 29 — A group of businessmen linked by their close ties to President Bush, his family and his administration have set up a consulting firm to advise companies that want to do business in Iraq, including those seeking pieces of taxpayer-financed reconstruction projects. I could hand out… Continue reading Gee, that’s pretty easy advice

JetBlue – Deeper and Deeper

My JetBlue stock is still holding steady at $59, so their little privacy oops doesn’t seem to have hurt them too badly .. yet. But the news just won’t die. Wired keeps hammering on the story, other media are picking it up, lawsuits have been filed, and federal agencies are investigating.

CAPPS II – The Continuing Saga

Way back in March, I preached support for a boycott of Delta Airlines, because of their participation in the TSA’s CAPPS II project. Shortly thereafter, I happily reported that the project had been suspended. Now it’s back, with good news, bad news, and worse news.