OK .. Winter Officially Sucks

I can almost tolerate winter when it’s here, because I know it’s leaving eventually. But leaving it’s mess behind when it leaves is too much. I was looking at a weekend weather forecast that looked ideal for hunting. Temperatures in the 60s Saturday would be perfect for drying out (the ground, not me), then back… Continue reading OK .. Winter Officially Sucks

Categorized as Horse Play

Job Placement Strategy

For the lighter side of the blog, I received this advice on how to place prospective employees. Take the prospective employees you are trying to place and put them in a room with only a table and two chairs. Leave them alone for two hours, without any instruction. At the end of that time, go… Continue reading Job Placement Strategy

BUSH: World is Isolating Itself

some humor by Paul Tremblay (I don’t know who he is, but he’s funny) A top Bush aid has acknowledged that Bush believes “the world is isolating itself.”

Taxing E-Commerce

A recent NY Times editorial re-visits the old debate about states collecting sales taxes on “online retail transactions”. Every time I hear about taxing “Internet sales”, I wonder why they seem to fixate on the Internet as opposed to any other form of “remote shopping”. It’s true that the internet has driven an increase in… Continue reading Taxing E-Commerce

Peace is ‘Unacceptable’?

This story is outrageous! Security guards at a mall in New York asked customers to remove tshirts with peace slogans (“No War with Iraq” and “Give Peace a Chance”), and had one arrested when he refused. Even if you accept the mall’s argument that they can ban “unacceptable” clothing, what in the world is unacceptable… Continue reading Peace is ‘Unacceptable’?

More slogans

Somebody just sent me another list of anti-war slogans. I’m not sure where they were collected, but they appear to be gathered from signs at some kind of protest. A few of them may be repeats from an earlier list, but most of them seemed new. Enjoy.

Boycott Delta! …

A Wired News article explains the issues causing civil liberties advocates to organize a boycott of the airline.

Goodbye, Kris, but WHY?

Forgive me for a temporary lapse into the personal diary mode that gives blogs a bad name. I need to vent some feelings that have been bothering me since receiving news on Friday about the recent death of a friend. Although we had drifted away from each other and had no recent contact, I still… Continue reading Goodbye, Kris, but WHY?

Snow Job?

Snow Blower? Melts in your Mouth, not in your Hand? A creative mind could probably think up many more possible captions for this photo someone sent me of a creative snow sculpture. Unfortunately, I have no idea where this was.

War Zone? Not Quite!

It was fairly common to hear central Kentucky residents describe the aftermath of our recent ice storm as being “like a war zone”. I didn’t give the expression much thought, but in a column in this morning’s Lexington Herald Leader, Shelly Slatin Hancock appropriately criticizes this comparison.