Big Game Hunting in England

A friend sent me this article about an English town’s hunt for a rogue squirrel that had been terrorizing the local population. I think that’s probably the same squirrel somebody sent me a picture of a while ago.

Hockey, anyone?

I think I’m going to become a loyal fan of the UK hockey team. A few years ago, they were trying to create a poster that would get a lot of attention. One of the basketball team’s most famous fans is Kentucky native Ashley Judd. Somebody on the team roomed with her cousin, and suggested… Continue reading Hockey, anyone?

American Pride

I got this via email this morning. I think it’s been circulating for a while, but after last night’s elections, I was looking for any small reason to smile and feel good about this country. In contrast to all the real frightening stuff Ashcroft is doing, this is an anti-terrorist effort I could support.


Somebody asked me today whether the "Tatertown" in my email signature is a real place. I get that query occasionally, and have an answer filed away that I send whenever anybody inquires. I’ve been contemplating putting it on a web page. This seems like a good place for it; now I can just give people… Continue reading Tatertown

Electoral Inflation

A local newspaper article about the upcoming election mentioned the going rate for buying votes in Eastern KY this year is $75/vote! We’ve come a long way since the dollar and shot of whisky that I remember. In fact, it was 30 years ago, 1972, when I sat in a campaign organizational meeting and listened… Continue reading Electoral Inflation

I\’m Getting Senile

Or maybe St. Hubert just really wants me to stay home and clean my house today. Looking outside, I just couldn\’t resist the call of the hunt. So I decided I could at least go out enjoy the weather and take some pictures. I figure the digital camera saves me roughly $10/roll on film and… Continue reading I\’m Getting Senile

Categorized as Geek Stuff


This thing finally got big enough for the older entries to drop off the bottom. (It displays the 40 most recent entries). I still haven’t gotten around to adding a fancy calendar to it. In the meantime, to make the older stuff readily available, I’ve added a month selector at the bottom. I might ask… Continue reading Housekeeping

Categorized as Geek Stuff