Taste of the Real World? Starship Fans?

MTV’s The Real World (one more “reality” show I’d never heard of) was holding casting calls in Lexington yesterday. Their 18-24 age range naturally attracted college students in sufficient numbers to earn front page coverage in the Kernel, the campus newspaper. The editor’s choice of headline stirred some evil thoughts in the mind of a… Continue reading Taste of the Real World? Starship Fans?

Important Issues

Jeff sort of beat me to this topic with his mention of Librarians Against the Patriot Act. He asks “Why isn’t the despicable PA an issue in the upcoming election?” I’d been pondering a more general version of this question over the last couple of days, since reading Katha Pollitt’s recent Girlie Vote column. Although… Continue reading Important Issues

A Week in the Windy City

Thanks to an incompetent IBM business partner, I’m in Chicago this week. Actually, some might consider his bumbling a stroke of blind luck. A few weeks ago, I thought I was going to be spending this week on the University of Miami campus. Mid-September on a Florida campus has to be even better than it… Continue reading A Week in the Windy City

Political Fireworks

It has probably been 10 or 15 years since I’ve been to the WEBN fireworks, one of the most spectacular annual fireworks shows in the country, sponsored by a Cincinnati radio station. So, when a contact in the Kerry campaign offered access to a prime riverfront viewing location, in exchange for a couple of hours… Continue reading Political Fireworks

A Week in Deutscheland

In case you missed the last brief entry, my father and I are headed to Germany to drink beer and visit my brother Lockhart. It’s about 10 PM Friday at home, and 4 AM in our destination of Frankfurt. The in-flight display shows our location is somewhere over Newfoundland, so I’m guessing it’s probably 11… Continue reading A Week in Deutscheland

Ein Bier, bitte

A coworker of German extraction tells me that “Ein Bier, bitte” is all I need to know for the next week. My father and I are headed over to the land of serious beer to visit my brother. He’s been living there since December, and has planned an intersting tourist itinerary for us, from a… Continue reading Ein Bier, bitte

Quote of the Week

Freudian slip or just typical bushism? Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people — and neither do we. – George W Bush, 8/5/2004 In the last few days, friends have sent me a few amusing Bush “quotations” that,… Continue reading Quote of the Week

Bush on Drugs?

This could be scary. Capitol Hill Blue, quoting “administration aides” and “White House Sources” in a July 28 story, reports that Bush is taking powerful anti-depressant drugs. So far, a Google News search only turns up the Capitol Hill Blue story and a few others that refer to it. According to the story: The prescription… Continue reading Bush on Drugs?

Back in the fast lane

Regular visitors to this site (if there are any left) may have noticed that, in the last couple of months, it was frequently excruciatingly slow to load. I noticed it, and had an initially fruitless email dialogue with my hosting service. When they realized ignoring me wouldn’t work, they committed the tactical error of telling… Continue reading Back in the fast lane

Categorized as Geek Stuff

FreeBSD, Anybody?

I know, I sound like a broken record on some topics, like FreeBSD vs Linux. But this morning’s email highlighted a couple of interesting articles in serendipitous juxtaposition. First was yet another story about SCO’s lawsuit against IBM for patent infringements in Linux. Linux-lovers believe SCO is full of baloney on this issue, and they… Continue reading FreeBSD, Anybody?

Categorized as Geek Stuff