Spam, spam, wonderful spam

The geek news channels have recently been full of articles about the recent MIT spam conference. The existence of such a conference is a pretty good indication of how serious the problem is. But I think the geeks are looking for a solution in the wrong place.

Categorized as Geek Stuff

Happy Birthday, Dr. King

As our nation designated today to honor the memory and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, it seems appropriate to reflect on how far we have come since his time, and yet how far we still have to go. Although the blatant institutionalized segregation challenged by Dr. King has disappeared, much of what he tried… Continue reading Happy Birthday, Dr. King

Blog or Borg?

Resistance is futile. I’m slowly being assimilated. I’ve allowed the blog to creep onto the front page of this site. The previous front page was little more than a picture of me and some miscellaneous links to other pages within the site. Since those links (and more) are now in the blog’s links section, and… Continue reading Blog or Borg?

Categorized as Geek Stuff

Deep Freeze

Sincere apologies to those of you who enjoy the equestrian content here, which has been pretty sparse lately. Old Man Winter has pretty much shut things down for a while. We’re going through one of those spells where the temperature never climbs above freezing for a week or longer, and the end isn’t in sight… Continue reading Deep Freeze

Categorized as Horse Play

I feel the need for speed

Some of you, as you waited (im)patiently for some of these pages to load, may have been silently (or loudly) cursing me for abandoning the speed and simplicity of Blosxom for this bloated, sluggish monstrosity so overloaded with useless features that it takes eons to load a single page. In fairness to the Geeklog software… Continue reading I feel the need for speed

Categorized as Geek Stuff

The USA has gone mad

That headline is on an excellent column by John le Carré in The London Times. As one who often shares these doubts about the sanity of my fellow Americans, I’m not sure whether to be embarrassed for my country by the way we appear to the rest of the world, or relieved that at least… Continue reading The USA has gone mad

A Measure of Popularity

One of the interesting things about running a website is browsing the referrer strings in the access logs to see what brings people to the site. Some of my visitors come from other sites that link to this one, but the vast majority are referred by a search engine, and the referrer string usually contains… Continue reading A Measure of Popularity

Categorized as Geek Stuff

De-BUGging, or .. >>>

The term “debugging” dates back to 1945 and the days of Grace Hopper, when a computer malfunction was traced to a moth in a relay. A friend sent me an interesting item about a more recent hardware infiltration problem:. I think I’m glad Admiral Hopper didn’t run into this one; desnaking just doesn’t sound right.

Categorized as Geek Stuff

War is for dummies

A Knight-Ridder article describes a recent poll showing that a majority of the US population opposes a unilateral attack on Iraq. The article provides links to the complete survey, but since it’s a large PDF file I didn’t try to download it at home. But a summary in the article provided some interesting points.