No Public Warning?

With all the recent stir about homeland insecurity moving up a notch on the rainbow, I think it’s inexcusable that the public wasn’t notified about a hazardous 1800-gallon tequila spill until hours after the incident, when it was too late to take appropriate action. I guess clear liquor doesn’t activate the amber warning system.

Don’t they all?

A co-worker sent me this picture of the student section at a recent UK basketball game. Not being much of a sports fan, I thought maybe the object of their affection was one of the players, but I was informed it was the TV announcer, Dick Vitale. How boring!

Yet more on spam

Is this deja vu all over again? Didn’t we see a spam article here yesterday? Well, the weather is still too crappy for me to have any good horseplay stories (and besides, Arthur probably would have been out of commission with a slight limp that seems to be responding well to bute). So I flipped… Continue reading Yet more on spam

Categorized as Geek Stuff

Just one question

A recent Wiredarticle cites a Washington Post article that says President Bush has ordered the government to draw up guidelines for electronic attacks against enemy computer networks. Aside from the possible ethical issues the Post raises (okay, maybe that’s two questions), how are we going to make the enemy use Microsoft so they’re vulnerable?

Categorized as Geek Stuff

More on Spam

In a recent blogging, I supported the idea of legislation creating a “do-not-spam” list, similar do the “do-not-call” list that many states require telemarketers to obey. Now a recent Wired article says two states are considering that idea.

Categorized as Geek Stuff

A few quickies

A few interesting items dropped into my e-box today, and, although I don’t have much to add, I wanted to share them. One is Paul Krugman’s column in the NY Times about the questionable value of manned space travel. Adding humans increases the complexity and the expense of space missions by orders of magnitude while… Continue reading A few quickies

Lazy groundhog

If that stupid groundhog had gotten his lazy butt out of bed early this morning, when it was still cloudy, maybe he wouldn’t have seen his shadow. But he must have waited until the sunshine burned away the clouds, because our weather outlook seems consistent with him seeing his shadow. Today was absolutely gorgeous, sunny… Continue reading Lazy groundhog

Categorized as Horse Play

Only in the USA …

…would a man bicycling around the world spreading a message of peace be detained as a criminal. He received warm welcomes, free food and medical care, even police escorts, in six continents and 54 countries, before experiencing US hospitality in the form of an INS detention facility. (Well, at least we’re giving him food and… Continue reading Only in the USA …

Lick Bush in 04

I know I’ve said this before, but I really regret throwing away my leftover “Lick Bush in 92” bumper stickers. Being frugal (and supporting recycling), I could just chop off the “in 92”. But since never in my wildest nightmares would I have foreseen the need to reuse them, I need to buy a fresh… Continue reading Lick Bush in 04

Who gassed the Kurds?

One of the most popular arguments in favor of annihilating Iraq is that Saddam Hussein is a monster who used chemical weapons on his own civilians. One problem with this logic is that, although such action is indefensible, it doesn’t make much sense to rush into a war that will result in the deaths of… Continue reading Who gassed the Kurds?