Horsing Around

This afternoon was another splendid opportunity to forget everything that’s wrong with the world. There’s a saying among foxhunters that some folks ride to hunt, and others hunt to ride. I’m not ashamed to admit that I’m one of the hunt to ride gang, even if that draws scorn from serious hunters. And today was definitely a good day to ride, hunting or not. The weather wasn’t particularly good hunting weather, a little too warm for good scenting. But it was a damn fine day to be outdoors on a horse. And since I’m usually more concerned with how my horse performs than how the hounds perform, I can say he did fairly well. We got off to a bad start when he refused the first jump, but he did fine after that, including a couple of jumps that I was a little worried about. He reminded me again that it’s pointless for humans to try to figure out what’s going on in the equine mind. It’s about as hopeless as trying to figure out women, but since they tend to avoid me I don’t have to worry about that problem. A horse’s brain is allegedly about the size of a large walnut, and somebody once asked how that much stupidity could be packed into something that small. Small brain or not, you gotta love em.

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